I have really appreciated my friend group at my school. For the first time, most of my friends are my size: somewhere between medium and large. Back home, all my friends were skinny.
I used to be very skinny.
This is a picture from four years ago, sophomore year. I was tan, skinny, and thriving, but I didn’t know that I was about to hit some of the hardest years of my life. This was right before I started gaining weight and cutting myself nightly, right before I developed depression and anxiety.
I showed this picture to someone I used to be friends with a few months ago, making a joke about “back when I was skinny.” Girls make those jokes all the time; the rest of their friends all groan “SAME.”
Instead, my friend looked me in the eye and said “You looked good here. Now you’re just overweight.”
I didn’t realize how much his words would stick with me.
It’s hard being the opposite of what society considers pretty. I’m not white, skinny, or blonde. I’m not tall or thin; I don’t have razor sharp cheekbones.
But I can see myself more beautiful now than back then.
When I see myself now, I see strong.
I see myself happy.
I see myself glowing,
and confident,
and brave.
So, to the boy who called me overweight…
Confident, healthy, happy Hannah says f*** you. :)